Safety & Resources


CCDC — Search published crystal structures

Scifinder or Reaxys — Search for compounds and reactions

Acidity-Basicity — pKa data

ChemCalc — Mass Spec predictions

NMR Chemical shifts of Trace impurities — OM 2010 & JOC 1997

SBDS, AIST Japan — Spectral Database for Organic Compounds

Organic Chemistry Data — Spectroscopy Resources for NMR, IR, UV, MS

Nucleophilicity/Electrophilicity Scales — web tool or poster

Redox Agents — ChemRev 1996

Illinois Safety

DRS SOP — What to do in Life-Threatening or Non-Life Threatening Injury or Situation (Injury, Exposure, Spill, Fire, Near Miss)

  1. If emergency — Call 911
  2. Seek out relevant medical attention
  3. Report to DRS
    • Call 217-333-2755
    • Email
  4. Inform Liviu (PI) and our LSOs

Facilities Emergency work order 24/7 (severe water leak, utility loss, safety hazard, etc.) Call 217-333-0340

Mirica Safety Folder — Our SOPs, trainings, resources on Box

Joint Safety Team — Monthly slides covering safety topics, Links to Near Miss/Accident forms

Safety Information/Resources (DRS) — All UIUC resources & safety information

Dow Lab Safety Academy — Useful safety SOPs

DRS Safety Trainings — Required lab safety trainings

SCS Safety Exam — Required after having complete the trainings

Training checklist — Find additional trainings you may need

IBC Protocol — UIUC biosafety protocol

Biosafety Level 2 — Our DRS BL2 guide

Group Resources

Box folder & Group manual (must request access)

Google Calendar (must request access) — You must be using your UIUC gmail account (Activate here)

Slack group chat (must request access)

Shipping/ordering address:

[Your name]
School of Chemical Sciences
University of Illinois
Room 435, CLSL-A
600 S. Mathews Ave.
Urbana, IL 61801-3602