Chem 518. Topics in Inorganic Chemistry — Bioinorganic chemistry. Advanced course dealing with organometallic chemistry, advanced ligand field theory, molecular orbital theory of inorganic compounds, kinetics and mechanisms of inorganic reactions, etc. Typically for 1st-2nd year graduate students.
Chem 516. Physical Inorganic Chemistry. Advanced course dealing with group theory and use of physical methods to provide information about the geometry, electronic structures, and reactivity of inorganic compounds in solution; emphasizes NMR and ESR. Typically for 1st year graduate students.
CHEM 517. Advanced Inorganic Chemistry Lab. Course that trains students in specialized laboratory techniques that they will use in research. Students will conduct challenging air-free inorganic syntheses using gloveboxes, Schlenk lines, and other techniques. Typically for 1st year graduate students.
Chem 515. Inorganic Chemistry Seminar. Course for graduate students who are preparing to present their Ph.D. literature seminar to the Department of Chemistry. Typically for 2nd year graduate students.
CHEM 512. Advanced Inorganic Chemistry. Course focusing on the chemistry of main group and transition elements, reactions and reaction mechanisms of inorganic systems, and electronic structure of inorganic molecules and solids. Typically for 1st year graduate students.
Chem 197 / 297 / 397. Individual Undergraduate Research. Undergraduate chemistry research, typically 1-3 credit hours per semester.
Chem 499. Undergraduate Thesis Research. Undergraduate chemistry research during both semesters of your senior year (2-6 credit hours each). It is recommended for all those who plan to do research and graduate study and it is a prerequisite for graduation with distinction in chemistry.
Chem 599. Graduate Thesis Research. Required thesis work for graduate students working toward the degree of Doctor of Philosophy or Masters degree. Typically 14 credit hours per semester with 6 credit hours per summer. CRN #15091.